The 20th Century Collection

Sir Martin writes:

The clash of nations and their alliances, the strivings of Empires and their collapse, and the struggles of nationalities and national groups were central to the century.

“It is called the century of the common man,” wrote Winston Churchill, “because in it the common man has suffered the most.”

There are also golden threads … the courage and perseverance of innumerable individuals, and the assertion of the equal rights of all nations, and of the rights of the individuals, against the frequently crushing burdens of State oppression and military tyranny.

Sir Martin on the Euro Star
Sir Martin on the Euro Star

On This Day: 8 March 1983:

“On 8 March 1983 President Reagan described the Soviet Union as ‘the focus of evil in the modern world’.”

The History of the Twentieth Century, A Concise Edition

Sir Martin’s inspiration:

After graduating in 1960 with a BA in modern history, I went as a Research Scholar to St Antony’s College, Oxford, where I studied British imperial history. As a culmination of forty years as a historian, I published a three-volume history of the Twentieth Century. I had begun work on it a decade before the century came to an end. Two years later I worked to reduce the three volumes to a single volume, History of The Twentieth Century.

The Roots of Appeasement

This book traces the origins of “appeasement” in British foreign policy, and follows its troubled and at times turbulent course from the First World War to 1939. It emphasizes that appeasement was not a coward’s creed, but a constructive, realistic policy based upon British interests, and a search for European peace and

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Britain and Germany Between the Wars

Published in the “Problems and Perspectives in History” series, this slim volume covers aspects of Anglo-German relations from 1914 to 1939, from the ending of the Great War, to the Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations and their articles, to Rearmament and the views of Ambassadors and Ministers of Government. Chapters focus

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Lloyd George: Great Lives Observed

Part of the Prentice-Hall “Great Lives Observed” series which combines the intimacy of autobiography, through Lloyd George’s own words, the immediacy of eye-witness observation, through the words of his contemporaries, and the objectivity of modern scholarship of analyses in retrospect, by leading historians, political scientists, and politicians to create a

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